Click HERE for the BGLC Curriculum Overview

Click HERE for the Principles and Features of the BGLC Curriculum

Click HERE to view our Careers, Advice and Guidance website page information and the Campus Provider Access Policy

Click HERE for all GCSE & Level 2 Vocational Courses teaching in 2022 – 2024
Click HERE for the GCE & Level 3 Courses teaching in 2022 – 2024

Brookvale Groby Curriculum

The Brookvale Groby Curriculum has been produced in collaboration with students, parents and staff and is mindful of our local context. It is constantly evolving to incorporate best practices and educational research (see Principles and Features of the Brookvale Groby Learning Campus Curriculum).  

As a campus we are passionate about ensuring that all of our students are given the best learning experiences possible so that they can become successful future citizens.

We focus our approach around 3C’s:
CurrencySecuring the highest outcomes possible for all students.
Character  Developing well rounded citizens of our global community, through purposeful character development.
Culture Creating a safe, warm and meaningful community that allows all students to flourish.

Campus Vision

Valuing Everyone, Achieving Excellence

Curriculum Intent Statement

Our intention at the Brookvale Groby Learning Campus is to serve the needs of all our students by providing a broad, balanced, dynamic and coherent academic curriculum.  Our aim is to develop and nurture young people to become well educated, well-rounded individuals with the skills and characteristics to contribute fully to society.

We strive to offer a curriculum that will provide students with challenges at all levels, giving them the opportunity to meet and exceed their academic potential as well as equipping them with a growth mindset for learning and the desired character traits.

All subjects are valued, and all students are entitled to access the whole curriculum on offer.   The development of  reading, writing, communication and numeracy skills are embedded throughout our curriculum as are opportunities for students to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness, including the promotion of fundamental British values.

We aim to produce happy, aspirant students with a love for learning, by creating a safe, inspiring learning environment and through a clear focus on the values we believe to be important:

Community – we have a sense of belonging and pride in BGLC and to our wider community
Aspiration –   we want to do better every day
Resilience –    we face challenges with a can do attitude
Excellence –   we believe that all of us can succeed

 Students are given the opportunity to develop their interests and talents beyond the classroom, through an extensive enrichment programme.  The campus offers trips, sports teams, performances, further study opportunities and links with local employers and universities.

The pastoral curriculum is strong and uses the principles of LORIC (Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative, Communication) at KS4 and VESPA (Vision, Effort, Systems, Practice, Effort) at key stage 5.

We provide high quality careers ​education, ​information ​advice ​and ​guidance ​to ensure our students are well prepared when they leave us for their move into ​​further education, ​vocational ​training ​or ​employment.

Our motto ‘Work Hard, Be Kind’ sums up our campus and the students we are aiming to create.


In all subjects at all Key Stages, students are formally assessed at least 6 times per year. This assessment data is then used by staff when reporting home to parents.

All formal assessments in Years 7 – 11 use the new GCSE grades on a scale of 1 – 9.

Work has been done in individual faculty areas on developing flight paths for monitoring progress of students against their final Year 11 target.


Final GCSE targets are produced for students based on their performance in their KS2 SATs and the National GCSE average data for similar ability students.  Targets are aimed higher than the national average expected outcome and therefore are aspirational for the students.

Students in Years 12 and 13 are set their targets based on their average performance at GCSE and the National outcomes for each subject. As with KS3 and 4, these targets are then aimed slightly higher than average expected, given students an aspirational target.

To find out more about any subject for a given year group either click from the list of Faculties on the right hand side menu or click on the image below.