One lesson per week is dedicated to CaRE (Citizenship and Religious Education)

YearTerm 1Term 2Term 3
Year 7Unit 1: RE - What is RE?
● What are the 4 main religions in the world today?
● What are the key elements to religion?
● What importance does religion hold to different people?

Unit 2: Citizenship - British Values
● Develop an understanding of British values,
● Knowing the value of community, citizenship, nationality and immigration
● Exploring the importance of the armed forces, NHS, EU and UN
Unit 3: RE - Religious buildings
● The importance of religious buildings and considering ‘Should places of worship be sold to help the poor?’
● Understanding of the different practices and meanings behind buildings and worship

Unit 2: Citizenship - British Values
● Develop an understanding of British values,
● Knowing the value of community, citizenship, nationality and immigration
● Exploring the importance of the armed forces, NHS, EU and UN
Year 8Unit 1: RE - Is death the end?
● Exploring religious views about life after death
● Understanding of the various religious and non-religious arguments for afterlife

Unit 2: Citizenship - Parliament and Law
● Know the role and processes of Parliament and the government
● Understanding how laws are made and the legal system in place in the UK
Unit 3: RE - Religious practices and rites
● Exploring the practices, ceremonies and events marking an important stage in someone's life, especially birth, the transition from childhood to adulthood, marriage, and death.

Unit 2: Citizenship - Parliament and Law
● Know the role and processes of Parliament and the government
● Understanding how laws are made and the legal system in place in the UK
Year 9Unit 1: RE - Why does God allow suffering?
● If there is a God why does suffering take place? Comparing religious/non-religious points of view.

Unit 2: Citizenship - Rights and Responsibilities
● Know different types of human rights and responsibilities
● Understanding of hate crimes
● Explore reasons why people protest and campaign for change
Unit 3: RE - Religion and early life:
● Identifying the beliefs and action of religions when it comes to early life.

Unit 2: Citizenship - Rights and Responsibilities
● Know different types of human rights and responsibilities
● Understanding of hate crimes
● Explore reasons why people protest and campaign for change
Year 10UNIT 1: Christian key beliefs
● The nature of God; Creation; Afterlife
● Life of Jesus Christ; incarnation, life, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension

Buddhist key beliefs:
● Buddhist key beliefs
● The key teachings of The Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path and afterlife

Buddhist practices:
● Ethical teachings
UNIT 3: Theme A - Relationships and families
● Sex, marriage and divorce
● The nature and purpose of families
● Contemporary family issues including:
same-sex parents, polygamy, roles of men and women, gender equality, prejudice and discrimination.

UNIT 4: Theme B: Religion and life
● Religious and non religious views on the creation of the universe and evolution
● Ideas on the responsibility to look after the world
● Understanding attitudes about abortion, euthanasia and animal experimentation.
UNIT 5: Christian worship and practices
● Different forms of worship and prayer and their significance
● The role and importance of pilgrimage and celebrations
● The role of the church in the local and worldwide community; missions, Church growth, reconciliation, persecution and aid/charity

Year 11UNIT 1: Buddhist worship
● Buddhist places of worship; temples shrines and monasteries; the significance of different forms of worship.
● Religious festivals and ceremonies
● Ethical teachings

UNIT 2: Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict
● Religious attitudes about peace and justice; violent protests; terrorism; war
UNIT 3: Theme E - Religion, crime and punishment
● Ideas of good, evil and suffering.
● Understanding motivation, cause and impact of crime
● Recognising different types of crime
● Understanding different forms of punishment
UNIT 3: Recap and revise the 2 religions and themes studied.
● Revision methods and techniques
● Completing past papers and practice questions